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Duke, T., Holmes, D., Whyte, G., Bailey, J., Vergara-Irigaray, N., Ekpenyong, A. E., & Guck, J. (2014). deterministic lateral displacement Separation of blood cells with differing deformability using.
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Duke, T., D. Holmes, G. Whyte, J. Bailey, Nuria Vergara-Irigaray, Andrew E. Ekpenyong, and J. Guck. “Deterministic Lateral Displacement Separation of Blood Cells with Differing Deformability Using” (2014).
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Duke, T., et al. Deterministic Lateral Displacement Separation of Blood Cells with Differing Deformability Using. 2014.
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title = {deterministic lateral displacement Separation of blood cells with differing deformability using},
year = {2014},
author = {Duke, T. and Holmes, D. and Whyte, G. and Bailey, J. and Vergara-Irigaray, Nuria and Ekpenyong, Andrew E. and Guck, J.}
Cite this article: Holmes D, Whyte G, BaileyJ, Vergara-Irigaray N, Ekpenyong A, Guck J,Duke T. 2014 Separation of blood cells withdiffering deformability using deterministiclateral displacement. Interface Focus 4:20140011. contribution of 13 to a Theme Issue‘Biophysics of active systems: a themed issuededicated to the memory of Tom Duke’.Subject Areas:biomechanics, biophysics, nanotechnologyKeywords:cell deformability, microfluidics, deterministiclateral displacement, blood separation, opticalstretching, digital holographyAuthor for correspondence:David Holmese-mail: [email protected]